
Clairinvest – Invest Smarter

Clairinvest is an independent financial investment advisory firm based in Switzerland, founded in 2010.
Since its creation, it has positioned itself as a benchmark player in the field of fund management and investment advice.. With a well-defined investment strategy and management philosophy, its objective is to offer you investment solutions adapted to your needs by combining absolute performance with an objective of capital protection.
It offers today 2 UCITS V strategies approved by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) in Luxembourg, and an Actively Management Certificate (AMC).


Discover the performance of our funds, of our AMC, our management philosophy and investment objectives.

Each month, find here the new monthly reports of our products.

conseil en investissement financier
conseil en investissement financier awards


Since the creation of our financial investment advisory company, in 2010, we are recognized by our peers for our management.

Discover the different awards we have received over the years :


Since now 2 years old, Clairinvest sponsors Oscar Rashed, a young Swiss tennis player. This sponsorship is of particular importance to us because Oscar represents, through his career and his personality, the values ​​we defend : engagement, determination, tenacity and stress management. We are proud to believe in young people and help them to project themselves.

conseil en investissement financier
conseil en investissement financier

Geopolitics, financial market…
Of many items and videos to keep you informed but also to understand our point of view on the news.


Learn more about financial markets, follow us on LinkedIn.

You will find all the news of the sector here., articles, market points… all the information you need, and that in real time.


2311, 2020

Ion-Marc Valahu in Bloomberg

(BN) Germany Splurges $5.9 Billion to Foster Auto-Sector Restart ________________________________________ Germany Splurges $5.9 Billion to Foster Auto-Sector Restart (1) 2020-11-18 07:27:33.6 GMT By Arne Delfs, Birgit Jennen and Naomi Kresge (Bloomberg) -- Germany’s auto industry secured 5 billion euros ($5.9 billion) in government aid to [...]

2311, 2020

Ion-Marc Valahu in Bloomberg

U.K.’s New Green Plan Backs 250,000 Jobs and Bans Gas Car Sales By Tim Ross, Alex Morales and Jessica Shankleman (Bloomberg) -- U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a 12 billion-pound ($15.9 billion) plan to boost green industries and tackle climate change, in a blueprint [...]

910, 2020

Clairinvest publie dans investir.ch

À la suite du confinement et de l’effondrement des marchés financiers du mois de mars dernier, nous assistons depuis plusieurs mois à une hausse quasi ininterrompue (bien que, de notre point de vue, surprenante tellement les fondamentaux semblent être ignorés). L’interventionnisme accru des banques centrales [...]

1409, 2020

Ion-Marc Valahu with Reuters

Le Drian within his rights to intervene in LVMH-Tiffany deal: Le Maire “Hiding behind the French government is just an excuse for LVMH,"Said Ion-Marc Valahu, a fund manager at Geneva-based firm Clairinvest. “The reality is that they’re seeing what’s happening with COVID, and the [...]

1409, 2020

Clairinvest dans Investir.ch

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